Innovative Retail Laboratory – VR Training

Innovative Retail Laboratory – VR Training


The Innovative Retail Laboratory IRL is an application-oriented research laboratory of the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence DFKI, which was installed in St. Wendel in the self-service store of the German GLOBUS SB-Warenhaus Holding. This close cooperation with Globus experts provides the individual projects with the possibility to concentrate on the precise demands and potentials of future self-service stores and accelerates the implementation of research results.

Platform:Standalone VR
Tools:Unity3D, SteamVR, Vive Pro
Duration:3 months
Team size:3

Detailed info

For a practical seminar in my master program, I developed a VR project for the Innovative Retail Laboratory. The project is about three different scenarios for a VR training system. There are supermarket employee training, factory worker training, and cooking training.

I developed the interaction system for picking up, dropping down, and special interaction with virtual objects. I also designed the operator interaction scheme and the layout and decoration of the 3D scene.

I also integrated a haptic controller which was an ongoing research from one of the researchers in DFKI. It was developed with Unity3D and SteamVR.