Top Soccer Hero : Bali United

Top Soccer Hero : Bali United


A compact 3D soccer simulation and management with challenging mini games and progression. Developed using Unity3D for Android and iOS platform with free business model.

Platform: Android and iOS
Tools: Unity3D, MonoDevelop, SourceTree, NGUI, Anti-Cheat Toolkit
Language: C#
Duration: 6 months
Team size: 9
Role: Game Programmer
Status: Released/Shipped

Detailed info

I started worked on Top Soccer Hero: Bali United after one months of the development cycle while the core designs and some of the mechanics have been designed. I was one of three programmers on the project.

I was tasked to develop and improve the game mechanics such as mini games, progression, and match state mechanics. I was also tasked to integrate the UI and sounds.

Top Soccer Hero: Bali United is available in the Google Play and App Store published by Touchten Games.