Keto Adventure

Keto Adventure


An epic 2D action side-scrolling J2ME Nokia game of a living cat doll with wooden sword’s journey to save a little girl.

Platform: Nokia S40
Tools: NetBeans, TortoiseHg
Language: Java
Duration: 3 months full time
Team size: 3
Role: Game Programmer Intern
Status: Released/Shipped

Detailed info

I started worked on Keto Adventure at the beginning of the development cycle. I was tasked to experiment with the main character control and user interfaces. I was one of two programmer on the project.

I was lucky to get the opportunity to be an intern in my second year in college. I learned some mobile optimization practices such as object pooling. I also learned to code while prioritizing readability such to document my code or to name my method based on its function. I also learned to use TortoiseHg as a version control tool.

Keto Adventure was the most popular adventure category game on Indonesia and many Asian country with millions of download.